Jun 15Liked by Victoria Fann

"Sadly, I turned my back on it completely, changing the entire trajectory of my life. It was as if someone was handing me the most glorious and precious gift, all wrapped in pretty, glittery paper and shiny bows, and I threw it down on the ground, walked out of the room and slammed the door shut."

I could have written that. I took a very, very big detour in my life to follow a man on HIS path, rather than attending to my own heart's urgings. That was 30 years of my life! Now, I stand on the threshold of 60, and I'm just now stepping forward into what I believe I was always intended to do.

I try to avoid self-recrimination. Though I have my moments of looking back and imagining how my life might have been different, I mostly don't regret the past. Even my more recent past has all been about summoning readiness. I started cultivating the skills I'm now beginning to use with others over 10 years ago. It took a long time for the potential to unfold itself and come into my awareness. And then it took more time for me to have the confidence and emotional/mental readiness to follow the call. I also believe that the astrology of the moment has given me the big boost I need to move forward, and it's possible that it was meant to take this long, that if I had stepped into it earlier it wouldn't have unfolded the way it was meant to. In short, I've come to forgive myself for playing small for so long. I think I had some old karma related to relationships that I needed to move through and clear, and if I hadn't done so with my ex, it would have come back in other relationships until I cleared it. That relationship karma was in the way of my purpose as far as career and service to others. It took a long time for me to clear, but I learned a lot along the way, so none of it was for naught. And if I really am meant to fulfill a higher purpose here, as I believe I am, then I trust I will be granted the time necessary to complete the mission. In this lifetime, I'm just a late bloomer with a very challenging natal chart that forced me to move slowly. All is as it should be. Maybe in the next lifetime I will start off with a chart that gives me more readiness to step into my gifts.

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I'm glad to hear that you aren't full of regret. I'm not either. I've made peace with my choices, and also agree that the experiences and learning I've had along the way have allowed me to align with my purpose at a much deeper level. I have spent years building the character to hold my gifts with integrity and grace. This prevented my immature ego from getting hold of them. So there are benefits to being a late bloomer! I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

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This is so beautifully stated: "I have spent years building the character to hold my gifts with integrity and grace."

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This could have been my story as well. Thank you for sharing. I feel that a lot of us are reaching this same realization at this point in time. I'm 62, maybe that happens around this age? Like our early message has come back around for us to choose again now that we've gathered so many more pieces of knowledge and growth.

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I'm glad it resonated with you Tania. I am aware that there are a lot of us blooming and coming into alignment with our soul purpose at this time. It's good to discover that the original purpose is still there waiting for us when we're ready to embrace it.

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Jun 16Liked by Victoria Fann

Thank you, Victoria. Even though we take detours from our true path - and believe me, I’ve taken several! -, those detours serve a purpose, they allow us to help others who have taken the same detours, made the same kind of choices, to become an example to how we found back our path eventually.

When I see kids in their 20s or 30s knowing and actively practicing what I have just discovered or remembered only a few months ago in my 50s, I wonder with a sting of envy what my life would have been if I had unveiled all this knowledge at their age. There are so many people I wouldn’t have met and loved, so many I wouldn’t have been able to help, so many experiences I wouldn’t have enjoyed... Our detours serve the Universe’s purpose as well, in a different way, so no regrets whatsoever. The Universe’s timing is perfect, ours too for we are part of that Universe. Lots of love.

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Beautifully said Geraldine! Regardless of the path we take, we gather so many blessings and gifts along the way that make our journey rich. I know some of my worst decisions and mistakes have made me much more humble and compassionate than I would have been had things gone differently. Making peace with our choices is a high art! With that said, there is something profound about saying "yes" to what is calling to us.

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Jun 16Liked by Victoria Fann

I totally agree. Saying yes, at one point, when we are ready, to our soul mission or higher purpose is very important indeed! This is the only path to a fulfilling life, full of love an joy.

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I am a Yes! person, and I’m so glad to hear about you coming into your alignment. I see you, cosmic colleague. 👋🏻❤️

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Happy to hear it Faith! I see you as well.

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Thank you for sharing your story

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You're welcome Jennifer.

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