This is a very spiritual notion. It’s beautiful. I’m hoping hubbys next job will take us across country so we can be near our kids. We’ve had to move so many times we were never able to nurture a strong community. I’m envious of the Asian and Latino communities in the US. They are very close. The families stay together. (Generally speaking.)

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Yes, it is the essence of our spirituality expressed in action. Based on all of the beautiful grass roots groups and activities happening in the world, I trust that many of us will continue to move more in the direction of loving kindness and interdependent relationships.

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Mar 17Liked by Victoria Fann

I can relate, CK. I have moved over 30 times in my life and am finally at age 39 trying to put down roots near my hometown, but it's not that easy. The Jewish communities here are very close knit and I have always been envious of how rooted and family-oriented they are, similar to the Asian and Latino communities! This was not my experience growing up in America as a white Euro-mutt with no significant connection to any of my ancestors or cultural history.

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I’m Jewish and never experienced a close community. Haha. May I ask where you live?

You moved 30 times!? Army brat?

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Oh wow! I suppose I shouldn't generalize, then. Thanks for the insight. No, not an army brat.

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Mar 18Liked by Victoria Fann

Wow! Such a powerful message. I see signs of this emerging. I think most of us would agree the old institutional structures are collapsing before our very eyes. From the ashes will rise a phoenix of tribal living and localized community interdependence.

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Yes, I see signs as well, and that is what I like to focus on to help me stay grounded and present. The vision of this way of living is so inspiring! I know there are many of us holding space for it and doing our part in small and big ways to bring it into fruition.

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Mar 16Liked by Victoria Fann

I have held these ideals in my heart for many years and have tried to live them in my life in various ways, but rarely do they amount to much real change in the long term. I continue to hold to this vision of interdependence despite my experiences. Thank you for articulating it so well! 💐🙏

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Rebecca, I appreciate hearing that you hold this vision in your heart. We can each do our part in even the smallest ways with our friends, neighbors, local business owners and our community. For example, there is a man that holds up a sign in the village where I live that says "Free Hugs". He smiles and waves at all the people that drive by and gives hugs to those that walk by. It is so uplifting and inspiring that he's willing to stand out there and share his love in that way. I trust it will also inspire others to offer something in their own way.

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Mar 17Liked by Victoria Fann

Thank you for reminding me that these "little" things all contribute to creating connection and peace, too! Sometimes I get caught up in thinking that the impact must be deep, or far and wide. I have actually had this idea many times and have never done it! Maybe this is a sign 💞😊

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Mar 16Liked by Victoria Fann

Hi Victoria,

Excellent essay. Interdependency, collaboration and win-win communication. It doesn't get any better. All my very best to you 🙏❤️

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Thank you Ken. You embody all of those values!

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