May 15Liked by Victoria Fann

The question I ask myself is whether I'm playing it safe or taking a risk for something that matters. I have been letting go of looking at the scale of what I do, and focusing more on the quality of work and space I occupy. Not everything has to be scaled up, but I don't want that to be an excuse for not risking something real and bold. Am I showing up, fully alive, being the person I need to be? If I can do that, I'm happy, and the scale will be what it needs to be.

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Love this question: "Am I showing up, fully alive, being the person I need to be?" Playing big is not about scaling for the sake of scaling but feeling honestly and intuitively led by our inner knowing that it is time to expand and grow.

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Love this! We all have gifts to share, but it can mean stepping out of our comfort zone and reconnecting with the Truth of who we are, which can feel scary. There are many ways I feel I'm being called to lean into trust and shine brighter. I find myself hesitating often, but also being lovingly guided forward on the journey. 🫶

This beautiful post reminds me of a Marianne Williamson quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"

Thank you so much for this powerful invitation, Victoria 💖

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You're welcome Catherine! Yes, stepping out of our comfort zone can be scary. What I've found is that my thoughts about stepping out of my comfort zone are much worse than actually doing it!

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Yes! So TRUE!! Stepping into our gifts with authenticity and love are so worth moving through a bit of fear and inner work. 💖💖💖

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May 15Liked by Victoria Fann

I can relate. I've been building things for others all of my career. Now I'm trying to step into building my own dreams, and it has not been smooth. I'm trying to balance that growth with knowing my family will be provided for. I have yet to fully overcome the fear of not providing for my dependents, so I have yet to let go of all my contract work and pursue my own bold dreams full time.

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I've been in that place exactly, and in some ways, I still am. It's a razor's edge for sure to find a rhythm that allows us to bring in plenty of income and building big dreams.

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I’m right there with you. Trust the unknown.

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This article had me at the title.

I am the opposite of playing it small, my ambitions and beliefs for myself are off the charts global. However, I’ve held myself back for fear of looking like an arrogant nut head! Until this year, when I turned 50 !!!

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Emma, thanks for sharing yet another reason that people hold back. Some of us were told we're too much or too intense or unrealistic, which puts a damper on big dreams. Keeping other comfortable by shrinking ourselves never works. I'm glad to hear you've moved past that!

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Only since I started audaciously owning my visions have I found the people who are helping me take things to the next level! It’s such an ironic situation isn’t it. Happy Wednesday 💋💋💋

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Happy Wednesday Emma!

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Jul 24Liked by Victoria Fann

I spent way too much of my life playing small, supporting others in achieving their dreams and goals while not pursuing mine. I'm currently on the verge of breaking through into spiritual work, but I've been shaking in my boots because I don't know how I'll make it work practically. I keep reminding myself that all we need is the "what." We surrender the "how" to the Universe to figure out.

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I'm excited for you to "come out of the closet" spiritually. Just keep moving that direction and the path will reveal itself.

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Jul 24Liked by Victoria Fann

I've been coming out of the closet in the sense of telling people and starting to do the work. But I haven't yet figured out to really dive into it fully.

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Dip your toe in the water by offering your gifts to people you know. This will build your confidence, and then eventually you can offer something for money, which can be structured as a love offering or a pay what you can if you're nervous about charging money.

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Jul 24Liked by Victoria Fann

Great minds think alike, as that's exactly what I've been doing!

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deletedMay 16Liked by Victoria Fann
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A couple of things I've found helpful on my path: 1) to find a rhythm with your progress toward your big idea or dream; and 2) to get support from others dealing with the same issues. Support has been the game changer for me, which I learned when I started my first writing group in 1989. Accountability and people who care about what you're creating is so empowering--the impossible becomes possible.

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