Apr 22Liked by Victoria Fann

I'm privileged to feel that I've come out of the darkest tunnels. I resonate with everything you write in this post. There will always be learning, some obscure little script lying under some carpet, hidden from sight, but each learning, each discovery and annihilation of yet another damaging script is another chance to practice this skill, multiplying our strength.

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Beautifully said! It's amazing how much there is to unravel, and how nuanced some of the issues become as if we've dropped stray pieces here and there. In addition, there are many of us processing a lot of ancestral and collective wounds and issues right now, especially those of us that have done a lot of our individual shadow work. Lots of rest and self care is needed!

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Apr 22Liked by Victoria Fann

Great post, Victoria. This especially resonated with me:

"And…the tricky and messy parts show up the minute we being to move in the direction of that sacred and holy place that is uniquely ours. As we follow our desire to share our gifts, we must travel through a passageway filled with the contents of our excuses, our inner doubts, our feelings of unworthiness and the core beliefs and wounds that tell us that we aren’t enough, we don’t know enough and we don’t have what it takes.

No wonder we hold back!

Resistance and procrastination come from not believing we’re ready or strong enough to hold that new vision of ourselves. This quest to share our gifts then becomes a healing journey filled with blessings but also lots of discomfort as we find our footing in this new experience."

So true! And it seems like the passageway clears periodically, and then gets cluttered up with all that self-doubt and confusion, again and again!

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Yes! It sometimes flips back and forth within the same day or the same hour! The whole thing can be so crazy-making, I often find myself laughing. I just cannot hold the tension any longer. It's a relief to just let go.

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Apr 22Liked by Victoria Fann

I feel that! Sometimes, I find myself in that space of doubt, and I just need to allow it briefly before either talking myself down, going for a walk in the woods, or calling someone I know will reassure me that I'm up to the task!

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Apr 22Liked by Victoria Fann

As someone beginning to emerge from the messy middle, I appreciate this wisdom and encouragement to press on. Many thanks!

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Thanks for sharing where you are in the process. Knowing others are right there with you definitely helps!

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